For the third time in eight days, I have not been able to get my fave drink --raspberry mocha -- at Starbucks because they were out of raspberry syrup. Nor could I get my second or third choices -- peppermint mocha or cinnamon spice mocha -- due to depleted supplies. The first time this happened, I opted for a drink the cashier recommended, but I didn't like it. On my second and third visits, I refused to pay $4 for a drink I really didn't want, so I left empty handed.
The service offered in these situations was severely disappointing. At no point did anyone offer to give me a coupon for a free cup of coffee -- or a free pastry -- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to acknowledge my inconvenience or their desire to please (and keep) a frequent customer. On each of these visits I spent at least 10 minutes in line only to leave empty handed or with something I didn't like. Do you like having your time wasted -- especially in the morning on your way to work?
Today (on my third visit) I entered the store optimistically -- I even picked out a new coffee mug while I waited in line ... only to find out they still had no raspberry syrup -- nor the ingredients to make my other favorites. I expressed my dilemma to the barista, and I got a very weak and unsympathetic reply -- "It's not our fault. They ship stuff to us on an automatic schedule." Was that supposed to make me feel better??!
On my way out of the store, she smiled and said in her caffeine-induced chipper tone, "You can write Starbucks a letter." I'm sure glad SHE was willing to do something about the situation!
So I did. I sent Starbucks a letter via their Web site describing my experiences and ended with the following question: Can you give me one single reason why I should continue to be a loyal Starbucks customer?
I think it would be great if they shipped me a box of coffee, mocha powder and raspberry syrup, don't you?!