Wednesday, July 9, 2008


The days are passing quickly as I prepare for my trip to Brazil. There are so many things to be done at work and at home! My clothes are nearly all packed -- and now our mission team is concentrating on gifts and trinkets to take for our hosts and the people we meet.

Last night God laid it upon my heart to purchase miniature Kewpie dolls ... I've never made doll clothes before, but He showed me exactly what materials to use and a very easy process for dressing them. I completed all five that I purchased yesterday, and I have "dresses" ready for the 50 additional dolls I ordered. We'll give these to young girls (we have some miniature trucks for the boys).

Tchau for now!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

C = Center of the universe

It's easy to see why Tristan was getting all the attention yesterday. Isn't he adorable?!

This car suits our family to a T

Yesterday we took rides in Grandpa Huston's Model T before loading it up on a trailer to send home with Chris and Rainie. I can remember my grandpa taking Chris and me for rides in it when we were very young. It was quite a treat seeing Amber, Nicholas and Micheala take rides in it, too.