Thursday, November 1, 2007

My favorite month

October is my favorite month for two reasons: Oct. 30 is my birthday and Oct. 31 is Halloween.

My birthday this year was the best ever. I have never felt more blessed than I do at this stage of my life.

And Halloween was great fun! My longtime friend Diane Duckworth came over to spend the evening with us as she has been doing for several years now. We had our traditional chili dinner and drank spiced apple cider. She helped me answer the door and hand out candy while Mike took the kids trick or treating. She also helped me chase down Bingley, who apparently escaped while the front door was open. He saw to it that we got our exercise last night -- and plenty of it!

Bingley had the best costume this year. He was a lizard (until we had to put him in his kennel). Then I told the trick or treaters that the barking was coming from my werewolf, which was chained up in the basement. :)

And the fun continues even after Halloween this year ... Diane and I are going to see Garth Brooks Tuesday night at the Sprint Center. I can hardly wait to see my fellow OSU alum!

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