Sunday, June 22, 2008

Project Mickey: Complete

  • Maybe we should call this a "life" blanket instead of a baby blanket! It's certainly large enough to cover Tristan for many years to come! Maybe he'll even take it to college with him. :)

    I started crocheting the first row May 4 with a completion goal of May 31. On Memorial Day, I completed the crochet stage and began cross-stitching Mickey ... On May 31, I had his shoes, legs, tail and half his shorts complete. Last night, I finished the last stitch at 11:05 p.m. (see Tristan's birth time below!). Mike "cut the cord," declaring Mickey officially complete.


Breezey375 said...

*wow* and I was proud of myself for finishing a 2 by 2 inch pic of a butterfly and can only crochet a straight line *bows in awe to the master of crochet and cross stitch* that is absolutely amazing. I can't imagine the time it took. that's one lucky little guy. gonna treasure that for life I have a beaten up old quilt my grandmother made that sits waiting on the off chance I ever have kids. said...

That looks great.